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New Web Intelligence Network Webinar now available!

The ESSnet Web Intelligence Network has just released the details of the next webinar in the 2024/2025 series. The webinar aims to keep the community updated on the work being carried out across the project’s work strands, raise awareness of the project, build capability in the community, and gather feedback to inform future events. Read more about the new webinar “Introduction to the Data Acquisition Service (DAS) of the Web Intelligence Hub” scheduled for 17 September 2024

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2024-2025 Web Intelligence Network Webinar Series

The ESSnet Web Intelligence Network (WIN) project was launched by Eurostat in 2021 and aims to develop and nurture a network of like-minded individuals to have access to the Web Intelligence Hub, where they will be able to explore an array of non-traditional data sources to accelerate the modernisation of the European Statistical System (ESS).

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Katherine Wallman Obituary

IAOS joins the international official statistical community in acknowledging the huge contribution of Katherine Wallman who passed away on January 17, 2024, at the age of 80. Katherine was a giant in the international and American statistical communities and a cherished friend to many.

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Congratulations to Gemma Van Halderen awarded a Public Service Medal in the 2024 Australian Day Honours

IAOS congratulates Gemma Van Halderen, for her Public Service Medal awarded in the 2024 Australian Day Honours. Gemma was recognised for outstanding public service in delivering significant statistical developments for better use of data for public policy purposes, both in Australia and internationally. Part of the award is in recognition of Gemma’s work in nurturing and developing early career statisticians and data professionals.

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ESSNet Web Intelligence Network Webinar

The ESSnet Web Intelligence Network (WIN) project, will host its next webinar on 5 March 2024 on the topic of Measuring the quality of large-scale automated classification systems applied to online job advertisement data.

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2023-2024 Web Intelligence Network Webinar Series

The ESSnet Web Intelligence Network (WIN) project was launched by Eurostat in 2021 and aims to develop and nurture a network of like-minded individuals to have access to the Web Intelligence Hub, where they will be able to explore an array of non-traditional data sources to accelerate the modernisation of the European Statistical System (ESS).

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2023-2024 Web Intelligence Network Webinar Series

The ESSnet Web Intelligence Network (WIN) project was launched by Eurostat in 2021 and aims to develop and nurture a network of like-minded individuals focusing on modernising official statistics through web (internet) data. Through access to the Web Intelligence Hub, an analytical environment to produce statistics with web data, National Statistical Organisations will be able to explore an array of non-traditional data sources and accelerate the modernisation of the European Statistical System (ESS).

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“The Journey of the UNFPOS from Conception to Implementation” High-Level Virtual Side Event on the “Road to the Commission”, December 14, 2022

The UN Statistics Division is organizing a series of webinars on the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (FPOS or the Principles), which will pave the way to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Principles by the UN Statistical Commission, and the 10th anniversary of their endorsement by the UN General Assembly. This Webinar, held on December 14, 2022, was the first in a series of high-level side events convened under the auspices of the Statistical Commission on the “Road to the Commission”.

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ESSnet Web Intelligence Network (WIN) Project: 2022-2023 Webinar Series | Enhancing the Quality of Statistical Business Registers with Scraped Data & Methods of Processing and Analysing of Web Scraped Tourism Data | 24 January & 23 February 2023

The ESSnet Web Intelligence Network (WIN) project is creating an environment where an array of non-traditional data sources can be accessed by members of the European Statistics System (ESS) and beyond. To help build capability in this community, the project will be delivering a series of webinars and a face-to-face workshop covering the following subjects:

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“Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics: 30 Years after Its Development” IAOS – ECLAC Webinar, November 3, 2022

Official statistics are based on a set of principles that ensure that they are impartial, relevant, and accurate and can be relied upon as a public good by all users. This 30th Anniversary provides an opportunity to discuss the past, present, and future of the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics and their relevance in the context of a rapidly changing data landscape.

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Webinar The Independence of Statistical Institutions with a Focus on Arab Region and North Africa

“The Independence of Statistical Institutions with a Focus on Arab Region and North Africa” Webinar, 2 November 2022

In 2014, the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UN FPOS) were endorsed by the UN General Assembly. The Fundamental Principles set the framework for the fundamental values and principles that govern statistical work, and recognize that in order to be effective, the fundamental values and principles that govern statistical work have to be guaranteed by legal and institutional frameworks and respected at all political levels and by all stakeholders in national statistical systems.

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“Everyone Matters” – How the “Case against Statisticians” developed in Kazakhstan

Ten years of public service, exile, arrest, separation from her minor daughter and a prison term on charges of embezzlement of budget funds. Such a scenario could serve as a basic plot for a detective film. However, the book published in Kazakhstan in August this year, “Everyone Matters” is based on real events – on thousands of days of mistreatment, false indictments, tears, love and strong belief.

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Podcast Episode on Sylvia Ostry

If this is the first time you’re hearing about Sylvia Ostry, buckle up.
Sylvia was appointed Canada’s first and only female Chief Statistician in 1972, but she didn’t get there by playing by the rules. She was ambitious but grew up in a world where many thought that it was shameful to be female and have a career.

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Announcement of Nominations for IAOS Executive Committee 2023-2025

I am pleased to inform you that the Nominating Committee for the IAOS Executive Committee members (2023-2025) has been set up with Mr. John Pullinger as Chair and Mr. Mario Palma, Ms. Irena Križman, Ms. Gemma Van Halderen, and Mr. Oliver Chinganya as members. The duty of the Nominating Committee is to make nominations for the posts of the IAOS President Elect and Executive Committee members for the next term under the Presidency of Mr. Dominik Rozkrut.

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IAOS-ISI 2023 Conference, 4-6 April 2023, Livingstone, Zambia – Call for Papers now open

The 17th International Association for Official Statistics Conference and 3rd International Statistical Institute Regional Statistics Conference will be held in Livingstone, Zambia from 4-6 April 2023. It is jointly organised by the International Association for Official Statistics, International Statistical Institute and the Zambia Statistics Agency – ZamStats. The conference aims to provide:

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Announcement of the creation of a Krakow Group

The creation of a “Krakow Group” was endorsed at the 2022 IAOS General Assembly, held in Krakow, Poland. In establishing this working group, the IAOS community aims to contribute to the burning challenges Official Statistics meet in today’s “datafied” societies.

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Key Information on Registration and Programme: IAOS 2022 Conference “Worthy Information for Challenging Times”, Krakow, Poland, April 26-28, 2022

We are pleased to inform you that preparations for the 18th IAOS conference taking place on April 26-28, 2022, in Krakow, Poland, are underway. The conference will be conducted as a face-to-face event only, at the ICE Kraków Congress Centre. A tentative conference programme is now available at https://www.iaos2022.pl/programme/.

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Small Area Estimation Conference 2022 (SAE 2022) organized by UMD and co-sponsored by IAOS, IASS and SRMS

This international conference will serve as a bridge among statisticians, survey methodologists, engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, and others interested in combining information from multiple databases in developing reliable inferences at granular levels. In addition to traditional topics in SAE, the conference will cover a few emerging topics in survey and official statistics (e.g., nonprobability sampling, probabilistic record linkage, data fusion, etc.).

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Takwimu Young Statisticians Programme

Launched in July 2021 under the leadership of the African Centre for Statistics and the UN Economic Commission for Africa, the programme is dedicated to the development of young statisticians in Africa.

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Announcing the IAOS 2022 Conference

It is our pleasure to announce that the IAOS 2022 Conference organized in collaboration with Statistics Poland, will be held from April 26-28, 2022 at the Convention Center in Krakow, Poland. The theme of the 2022 Conference is “Worthy Information for Challenging Times”.

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Promoting Statistical Literacy across the World

The International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) is a project initiated by the International Association for Statistical Education(IASE), the education section of the ISI. The main objective of the ISLP is to contribute to promoting statistical literacy across the world, among young and adults in all walks of life.

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The Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics are a pillar of the Global Statistical System. The current pandemic, occurring alongside the decade for action on the Sustainable Development Goals, has brought into sharp focus the critical importance of trustworthy official statistics that meet the
requirements of the Fundamental Principles. Official statistics are needed to guide action, help save lives and chart our progress towards a future in which no one is left behind.

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Kenza Sallier present her winning YSP paper to an ONS audience

Congratulations to Ms Kenza Sallier from Statistics Canada for winning first place with her paper “Toward More User-Centric Data Access Solutions: Producing Synthetic Data of High Analytical Value by Data Synthesis”. Kenza presented her paper to the UK Office of National Statistics in June 2020.

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In Memoriam: Dr Jorge Todesca

Dr Jorge Todesca, at the service of statistics and of democracy Our sister society, IASI (the Inter-American Statistical Institute), announced in the March issue of its newsletter that Dr. Jorge Todesca passed away on 21 February at the age of 73, just two months after the end of his four-year term as director of the Argentinean INDEC (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos).

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2020 IAOS-ISI Conference in Zambia Postponed

Following the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Zambia Statistics Agency, with the directive of the Ministry of National Development Planning and in consultation with UNECA, IAOS and ISI, has issued a decision to postpone the 2020 IAOS-ISI Conference in Zambia to a later date.

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Announcement: IAOS Executive Committe 2019-2021

Following the IAOS Statutes, the 2018 Nominating Committee, in charge of selecting the candidates for posts of President-elect and four EXCO members, having one candidate for each position and taking into account a proper regional representation and gender balance as much as possible, has come up with the following list.

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ISI WSC 2019 Short Courses Programme – Registration is open!

The 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress (ISI WSC 2019) will be held on 18-23 August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Following the tradition of the previous WSCs, ISI, in cooperation with its Associations and with support of the host organization, is organizing a pre-WSC programme of short courses to take place on 16-17 August 2019 at Sasana Kijang of Bank Negara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

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Commendation of Andreas Georgiou at IAOS Special Meeting

On 18 September 2018, during the IAOS Special Meeting on “National Statistical Offices’ Professional Independence: Threats and Responses” immediately prior to the 16th IAOS-OECD Conference in Paris, a special Commendation was awarded to Andreas Georgiou, former and inaugural President of ELSTAT (the Greek Statistical Authority).

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Obituary: Ian Maclean (1930 -2018)

Dear colleagues,

It is with deep personal regret that I deliver to you today the news of the death of our colleague and friend, Ian Maclean: assiduous attendant to our conferences and supporter of IAOS. On behalf of all of us here at the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS), I would like to send out to his family, our most heartfelt condolences and sympathy. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this time.

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The Scientific Programme Committee of the 2018 Conference, jointly organised by Statistics Poland (GUS), the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) Standing Committee of Regional and Urban Statistics (SCORUS) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), has selected three themes for the GUS – SCORUS Conference “NEW SCALE – NEW NEEDS – NEW STATISTICS”, to be hosted by GUS in Warsaw, Poland in June 6-8, 2018.

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2018 IAOS Young Statistician Prize – Deadline extended to February 15, 2018

The International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) is sponsoring a competition for the best paper in the field of official statistics written by a young statistician. In addition to the monetary prize, the first-place winner will receive travel funds to present their paper at a session during the IAOS conference in Paris, France, September 19-21, 2018.

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European Statistics Day – congratulations from the IAOS

On 20 October 2017, Official statisticians across Europe will commemorate European Statistics Day. This is an initiative of the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC) and with the support of the members of the European Statistical System and the European System of Central Banks.

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