Call for proposals for IAOS sponsored sessions – ISI Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019

Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) for the ISI Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2019

Call for proposals for IAOS sponsored sessions

We would like to invite all IAOS members to present proposals for Invited Paper Sessions (IPS) for the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress (ISI WSC 2019), to be held on 18-23 August 2019 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Please note that all the submissions need to be submitted by March 31st, 2018 through the portal for the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress 2019, Kuala Lumpur The submission system is open from January 1st through March 31st, 2018.

The SPC for 2019 seeks to highlight the contributions that statistics can make to the advancement of science and to human health and welfare across the globe. The WSC will host talks on a wide variety of topics, with the overall goal of presenting a balanced programme that provides a sense of the current state of the field.

The following list of possible subjects has been compiled taking into consideration the areas of interest present in the current discussion of official statistics in international fora worldwide. Its intention is to provide IAOS members with an indicative but not limiting reference to issues that can be taken up by any of you who might be interested in organizing sessions on them:

Governance and Innovation

  • Ethical issues in Official Statistics.
  • Modernization of statistical production and services.
  • Linkage of statistical and geographic information.
  • Quality assurance systems for statistics
  • Plans for 2020 census round.
  • Use of administrative records for statistical purposes
  • Surveys: Improvements in design and methodology
  • Open data and access to micro data.
  • The virtual revolution and statistics.
  • IT and statistics.
  • Big data and official statistics in response to current issues.
  • Training and education to enhance statistical culture.
  • Mass Media and professional communication of Official Statistics.

Applied Statistics

  • Tools to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Official Statistics and evidence-based policy making
  • Regional and local statistics for better lives
  • Security and judicial statistics.
  • Measurement of wellbeing and quality of life
  • Measurement of social and human capital.
  • National Accounts
  • Business, entrepreneurship and globalization indicators.
  • Environmental statistics and Sustainability
  • Economic accounting
  • Governance, Security and Drug Statistics.
  • Trust in institutions
  • The measurement and impact of digitalization and globalization.

The ISI WSC 2019 will bring together about 2,500 delegates, comprising statistical researchers, academics, industry practitioners, analysts and policy makers, from all over the world to share insights on development in statistical science, and to advance application of statistics for discovery, innovation and decision making.  About 1,500 papers in various statistical disciplines and applications will be presented and discussed over a period of five days.

The SPC Program will include STS, CTS, lnvited Paper Sessions (IPS) of 70, 100 and 120 minutes time slots, and will be evaluated by the SPC from 1st April to June 30, 2018. Depending on the timeslot, general IPS can have three-four speakers and one discussant or three-four speakers and no discussant or two-three speakers and two discussants. Panel sessions are also possible. Generally speaking, a 120 min timeslot should have four speakers and one discussant, and a 100 min timeslot should have three speakers and one discussant.

The proposals should include the following:

  • Title of the proposed session
  • Session Organizer:  Title/ Name/Email/Affiliation
  • Description of the session (150-250 words):
    This could address: Why is the proposed IPS of interest to WSC attendees? Why is the topic of importance? (e.g., to the Statistics community, to international interests and needs, to the advancement of science). It could include description of the expertise of the proposed speakers and discussants.
  • Proposer of the session (ISI, Association, Committees, other)
  • Possible collaboration with another proposer (ISI, Association, Committees, other?)
  • Proposed Chair (must not be a speaker): Title/ Name/Email/Affiliation/has the person given his/her permission to put his/her name forward)
  • Proposed Invited Speaker 1:
    Title/ Name/Email/Affiliation/has the person given his/her permission to put his/her name forward)
  • Proposed Invited Speaker 2:
    Title/ Name/Email/Affiliation/has the person given his/her permission to put his/her name forward)
  • Proposed Invited Speaker 3:
    Title/ Name/Email/Affiliation/has the person given his/her permission to put his/her name forward)
  • Proposed Invited Speaker 4 (for session with four speakers):
    Title/ Name/Email/Affiliation/has the person given his/her permission to put his/her name forward)
  • Proposed Discussant (for session with discussant):
    Title/ Name/Email/Affiliation/has the person given his/her permission to put his/her name forward)
  • Additional information: If this session is not selected as an IPS due to limitations of time slots, should this session be considered as a Special Topic Session by the LPC? (Yes / No)
  • Note:  If the names of invited speakers and the discussant are not finalized at the time of submitting the proposal, please just indicate the institution or plans for prospective speakers. IPS usually has at least one discussant. Email addresses should be a must-field everywhere.

You should also indicate if your session could be related to IAOS or more of the ISI Associations.

IAOS IPS Session proposals should be submitted at and sent to Rolando Ocampo Alcántar, IAOS representative to the SPC, copying Mario Palma and Ana de Lara by March 31st, 2018

Please feel free to write to us if you have any questions. I hope to hear from you and look forward to your proposals.


Rolando Ocampo
IAOS Representative to the SPC of the ISI WSC 2019.