The current Editor-in-Chief of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS (SJIAOS), Dr. Pieter Everaers, is standing down from July 2023. We would like to acknowledge Pieter’s outstanding work in leading the Journal for the past few years.
Expressions of interest are now being invited for the position of SJIAOS Editor-in-Chief. The new appointee is expected to be in place by 1 January 2023, to allow a period of transition.
The role is unpaid and voluntary, but covers traveling expenses to attend international events such as ISI World Statistics Congresses (WSC) and IAOS Conferences, as well as some other international events. It also offers the opportunity to engage in very challenging and interesting work close to the international statistical community.
Deadline for submission of expressions of interest has been extended until 30 April 2022. See here for more information.