Join the 2018 IAOS General Assembly!


2018 General Assembly Meeting

Thursday, 20 September 2018

OECD Conference Centre

Time: 18:00 – 19:00

The International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) is pleased to invite you to attend the 2018 IAOS General Assembly Meeting that will be held on Thursday, 20 September 2018 at the OECD Conference Centre (2 rue André Pascal, Paris 75016) from 18:00-19:00 hours.

This year’s General Assembly will focus on what the role of IAOS should be to support Official Statisticians in times of challenge or threat. It will discuss potential mechanisms through which our association could assist in cases where the professional independence of NSOs and official statisticians is threatened. The meeting will also inform IAOS members of the activities and achievements of IAOS during 2017.


  • Welcoming words Mario Palma Rojo (IAOS President 2017-2019)
  • IAOS Challenges today (Presentation based on the Annual IAOS Report 2017-2018) – Mario Palma Rojo (IAOS President 2017-2019)
  • Statistical Journal of the IAOS (SJIAOS) Status Report – Kirsten West (Editor-in-chief)
  • 2018 Young Statisticians Prize (YSP) Report – Gemma Van Halderen (EXCO member)
  • Conclusions

Please note, this General Assembly will be held as part of the 2018 IAOS-OECD Conference that will take place from 19-21 September 2018 in Paris, France. For more information about the conference, its programme and registration, please visit:

According to IAOS Statutes: The General Assembly is composed of the individual members, and one designated member from each institution which is a member. Each individual member shall have one vote. The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by simple majority of the votes cast at a meeting or by electronic means except as otherwise stated by the Statutes. Votes expressed electronically shall be considered as valid as votes in person at the General Assembly. Proxy voting is only allowed in the procedure for changing the statutes.

If you cannot attend, please let us know your comments to any item of the General Assembly by sending us a message to