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Improving Official Statistics

International Association for Official Statistics: Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan

We are happy to inform you that the article of Mr. Misha Belkindas, Ms. Lilia Saetova and Mr. Pieter Everaers entitled International Association for Official Statistics: Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan’ was accepted for publication in Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online (ISBN 9781118445112) and was published online.

This article provides an overview of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) from its creation to the present day. The IAOS was founded in 1985 to promote the understanding and advancement of official statistics and related subjects and to foster the development of effective and efficient official statistical services, particularly in developing countries, through international contacts among individuals and organizations, including users of official statistics as well as research institutions. In this article, a brief summary of the history of the IAOS, its structure, membership, and activities are described. The activities range from monitoring the development and performance of Official Statistics worldwide, organizing conferences and webinars, publishing the Statistical Journal, and supporting Official Statisticians in adjusting to the changing statistical environment.

To access the full version of the article, please visit the Wiley Online Library