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Improving Official Statistics

Takwimu Young Statisticians Programme

Launched in July 2021 under the leadership of the African Centre for Statistics and the UN Economic Commission for Africa, the programme is dedicated to the development of young statisticians in Africa.

This forum for early and mid-career African Statisticians aims to serve as the locomotive for transformation and modernization of the African Statistical Systems and leverage the power of young statisticians in developing a robust statistical system in Africa. The programme recognizes that statistical development in Africa requires sound training of young statisticians and their involvement in statistical affairs on the continent.

As part of the programme, the African Centre for Statistics, is organising a webinar for Young Statisticians on 17 November 2021. This will build on the potential of the youth and their problem-solving abilities in contributing to finding solutions to the challenges faced by the African Statistical System. For more information, contact Mr. Edem Kludza of ECA at edem.kludza@un.org.

Learn more about African Centre for Statistics and UN Economic Commission for Africa.