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Papers / Presentations
14 October
Use of administrative data – past, present and future
Svein Norbotten - Svein Nordbotten & Associates
The register-based statistical system - preconditions and processes
Johan-Kristian Tønder - Statistics Norway
Role of the data of administrative sources in the development of the statistics
Félicien Donat Edgar T. Accrombessy - National Agency of Employment, Benin
The use of administrative data for the production of official economic statistics in Brazil - current situation and challenges for the future
Sidnéia Reis Cardoso, Ana Rosa Pais Ribeiro - Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística
How to develop cooperation between government agencies on data collection for administrative and statistical purposes - experiences from the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic
Zulfiya Sultanova, Kozbergenov Saken - Agency of Statistics Republic of Kazakhstan. Djanbulat Baijumanov - National Statistical Committee Kyrgyz Republic. Svein Gåsemyr – Statistics Norway
The hidden side of a successful story - implications of the wide use of administrative data sources at national statistical institutes
Irena Križman, Metka Zaletel - Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
The use of administrative data sources - experience and challenges
Jan Fischer - Czech Statistical Office
The system of evaluation of user demands in Statistics Lithuania
Algirdas Semeta and Audrone Miskiniene - Statistics Lithuania
Trends in User Needs
Richard Laux, Richard Alldritt – Office for National Statistics, UK
A simultaneous prediction method for statistical registers
Li-Chun Zhang and Nina Hagesæther – Statistics Norway
Repeated samples of anonymised administrative records: an application to social security data in Brazil
Rigan André Campos Gonzalez- Dataprev, Brazil and Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva - University of Southampton, UK
Some Initiatives on Combining Data to Support Small Area Statistics
Denise Silva and Philip Clarke - Office for National Statistics, UK
Questionnaire Design and Testing for Enterprise Service Survey Center of NBS
Tian xiuhua – Service Survey Center of NBS China
Issues in the Design and Testing of Business Survey Questionnaires: What We Know Now that We Didn't Know Then - and What We Still Don't Know
Diane K. Willimack - U.S. Census Bureau
Trends in the use of centralised pricing data sources for price indexes
Susan Kluth – Australian Bureau of Statistics
Redesigning the chain of economic statistics at Statistics Netherlands: STS-statistics as an example
Arnout van Delden, Henk Koele and Frank Aelen – Statistics Netherlands
The Impact of Technology and Innovation on the Performance of Businesses in the Irish Services Sector
Steve MacFeely & Caitriona O'Brien - Central Statistics Office, Ireland
Use of Administrative Data in Business Surveys - The Way Forward
Wesley Yung and Peter Lys – Statistics Canada
Using Administrative Data for Seasonal Adjustment of Survey Time Series in the Presence of a Major Measurement Change
Xichuan (Mark) Zhang and Nick Von Sanden - Australian Bureau of Statistics
Developing the prototype Longitudinal Business Database - New Zealand's experience
Julia Gretton - Statistics New Zealand
The evolution of administrative data use for the Canadian Business Register (BR)
Gaétan St-Louis – Statistics Canada
Evolution of Census Statistics on Enterprises in Italy 1996-2006: from the Traditional Census to a Register of Local Units.
Monica Consalvi, Luigi Costanzo, Danila Filipponi – Italian National Institute for Statistics
Meeting user needs - innovative exploitation of annual census data
Pekka Myrskylä - Statistics Finland
15 October
Is the utilization of administrative data in short term statistics an ideal standard in the conflicting priorities of user demands, response burden and budget restrictions?
Jörg Enderer - Statistisches Bundesamt, Germany
The Tax Authority Source as an example of the use of an administrative source as a statistical one
Viviana De Giorgi, Fulvia Cerroni - Italian National Institute for Statistics
Include Domestic Violence in Core Statistical Publications
Geir Øvensen and Dag Roll-Hansen – Statistics Norway
User needs in employment statistic - with focus on new statistical products and the need for new concepts
Pernille Stender and Søren Leth Sørensen, Statistics Denmark
User driven challenges for official statistics
Richard Ragnarsøn - EFTA Statistical Office
Data requirements from users on the International Investment Position
Robert Heath – IMF
Data requirements from users on the International Investment Position
Robert Heath – IMF
A sustainable Poverty Monitoring System for Policy Decisions
Bjørn K. G. Wold, Astrid Mathiassen, and Geir Øvensen – Statistics Norway
Could that be true? Methodological issues when deriving educational attainment from different administrative datasources and surveys
Bart F.M. Bakker, Frank Linder & Dominique van Roon – Statistics Netherlands
A Predictive approach to representativity
Ib Thomsen and Li-Chun Zhang – Statistics Norway
Populating Quarterly Constant Price Supply and Use Tables with Seasonally Adjusted Data
Simon Compton - Office for National Statistics, UK
Transforming to an E-Gov environment – Has it proven its value?
Ronald Lee and Thomas Mesenburg - U.S. Census Bureau
Electronic Reporting - Do the Benefits Really Outweigh the Promise?
René Piché and Cathy Wright – IMF
Managing Multi Mode Collection Instruments in the 2011 UK Census
Frank Nolan, Heather Wagstaff and Ruth Wallis - Office for National Statistics, UK
Expectation for Development in Economic Statistics
Yonghong Tu – Renmin University of China
BR: The Challenge on Perfect of Statistical System and Management of State Administration
Yang Kuankuan – China
Realising the statistical potential of administrative data on air passenger traffic
Niall O'Hanlon - Central Statistical Office, Ireland
Potential of administrative data in business statistics - a special focus in improvements in short term statistics
Hannele Orjala - Statistics Finland
How to reduce the reporting burden whilst still obtaining high quality data - Two practical examples from Norwegian financial markets statistics
Kaia Solli and Ole Petter Rygvold – Statistics Norway
Micro data dissemination: what shouldn't be ignored to improve the statistical capability of China
Li Li - Department of Statistics, Dongbei University of Financial and Economics, Dalian City, China
User needs: From Data Access to Information Integration
Annegrete Wulff – Statistics Denmark
CartoGraphy with a capital G: Google and more
Duncan Beeckman & Edwin de Jonge - Statistics Netherland
Standardisation of Design and Production of Statistics; A Service Oriented Approach at Statistics Netherlands
Robbert Renssen and Arnout van Delden - Statistics Netherlands
Statistics New Zealand's Move to Process-oriented Statistics Production: progress, lessons and the way forward
Tracey Savage and Julia Gretton, Statistics New Zealand
Statistics New Zealand's Move to Process-oriented Statistics Production: progress, lessons and the way forward
Tracey Savage and Julia Gretton, Statistics New Zealand
Process orientation at Statistics Sweden – Implementation and initial experiences
Mats Bergdahl – Statistics Sweden
Developing measures of human capital as an integral component of official statistics
Hui Wei - Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Future Use of Electronic Health Records for reshaped health statistics: opportunities and challenges in the Australian context
Denise Carlton - Australian Bureau of Statistics
16 October
Using Administrative Data to Improve Social Statistics - An Example of Collaborative Work
Minda C Phillips - Office for National Statistics, UK and Paul Sinclair – Department for Children, Schools and Families.
Using Administrative Data to Improve Social Statistics - An Example of Collaborative Work
Minda C Phillips - Office for National Statistics, UK and Paul Sinclair – Department for Children, Schools and Families.
The Use of Administrative Data in Social Statistics in Denmark – Towards More Cooperation and Integration
Mogens Grosen Nielsen and Ole Schnor - Statistics Denmark
Social statistics - integrated use of survey and administrative data at Statistics Finland
Veli-Matti Törmälehto - Statistics Finland
Achievements in the use of administrative data to produce official social statistics in New Zealand
Denise Brown - Statistics New Zealand
Use of complementary administrative data sets for Australian house price indexes
Susan Kluth - Australian Bureau of Statistics
Regional Differences of government investment in the health care industry and Economic Growth—Based on the Economic Census data
Jiangping Tian Cheng-shi Shang Hong-yun – Dept.of statistics, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, China
What do the Fundamental Principles imply for the correct use of administrative data in official statistics?
Heinrich Brüngger - Statistical Division UNECE
Micro-data in economic statistics: any compromise between access and confidentiality
Nicholas N.N Nsowah-Nuamah and Anthony Krakah - Ghana Statistical Service