UN World Data Forum Webinar: Revisiting and Adapting Data Governance and Statistical Legal Frameworks to the New Data Era
Date: Thursday, January 27, 2022
Time: 9:00 am to 10:15 am | Eastern Time (New York)
Date: Thursday, January 27, 2022
Time: 9:00 am to 10:15 am | Eastern Time (New York)
8–15 February 2022
Location: Register for free
The early draft 2021-2023 IAOS Strategy was briefly introduced to the General Assembly held on July 8th 2021. The IAOS Executive also reviewed it. I am now sharing the Strategy with a wider IAOS community for views and suggestions.
This international conference will serve as a bridge among statisticians, survey methodologists, engineers, mathematicians, computer scientists, and others interested in combining information from multiple databases in developing reliable inferences at granular levels. In addition to traditional topics in SAE, the conference will cover a few emerging topics in survey and official statistics (e.g., nonprobability sampling, probabilistic record linkage, data fusion, etc.).
Launched in July 2021 under the leadership of the African Centre for Statistics and the UN Economic Commission for Africa, the programme is dedicated to the development of young statisticians in Africa.
The International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) have sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Fiji calling on him to act urgently to provide vindication of its actions to rebuild trust in Fiji statistics.
The heads of the American Statistical Association (ASA), International Statistical Institute (ISI) and Royal Statistical Society (RSS) issue a letter to the Prime Minister of Greece regarding the continued prosecution of Dr. Georgiou.
Calling all Young Official Statisticians
Win a trip to an international statistical conference
International Association for Survey Statisticians (IASS) is organizing a webinar entitled “Building a Sample Frame of SMEs Using Patent, Search Engine, and Website Data” on Thursday, 2 September 2021 at 1 pm – 2:30 pm (CET).
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