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Improving Official Statistics

Pieter Everaers - SJIAOS Editor in Chief

Pieter Everaers

Pieter Everaers (1954) retired in June 2018 from the position of Director of Directorate A- Cooperation in the European Statistical System; International Cooperation; Resources at DG Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Commission.

He was in this position since 2012, managing the human and financial resources and the legal affairs, the planning and evaluation of the statistical program as well as the governance in the European Statistical System. This position also involved the responsibility for the cooperation in statistics with other European and non-European Third Countries and with International Organizations, as well as statistical capacity building.

Before 2012 he was in Eurostat as director responsible for International Trade and Population statistics, Agricultural Statistics, Environment, Energy and Transport, Business statistics, as well as Dissemination and Indicators.

He joined Eurostat in May 2004, closing a 20 year career at Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Before CBS he worked as an academic researcher and lecturer at the Faculty for Human Geography at the Free University of Amsterdam and at the Academy for Traffic, Transport and Planning in Tilburg. He has a PhD (1990) in Spatial Sciences at the University of Utrecht and had his original training in Human Geography and Mathematical Sociology (1979).