Joint IAOS-IASS webinar Thursday 5 November 12:00 pm CET
To celebrate World Statistics Day: On the importance to society of high quality public statistics.
To celebrate World Statistics Day: On the importance to society of high quality public statistics.
The 63rd ISI WSC 2021 will be held 11-16 July as a virtual conference. The WSC theme “Statistics and Data Science for a Better World” highlights the developments and contributions of statistics and data science in various domains of application that impact all aspects of life.
The International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP) is a project initiated by the International Association for Statistical Education(IASE), the education section of the ISI. The main objective of the ISLP is to contribute to promoting statistical literacy across the world, among young and adults in all walks of life.
Announcing a webinar to take place on 22 October organised by International Association for Official Statistics Nigeria Group in collaboration with ISI and IAOS.
The Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics are a pillar of the Global Statistical System. The current pandemic, occurring alongside the decade for action on the Sustainable Development Goals, has brought into sharp focus the critical importance of trustworthy official statistics that meet the
requirements of the Fundamental Principles. Official statistics are needed to guide action, help save lives and chart our progress towards a future in which no one is left behind.
The 2020 IAOS General Assembly will be held on Thursday 20th August at 12.00 – 13:00 (CEST) in virtual format.
Conference and Special Issue of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A in memory of Fred Smith and Chris Skinner, Southampton, UK, 8‐10 July 2021
A series of open town hall discussion opportunities.
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