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Improving Official Statistics

Announcement of the IAOS 2020 General Assembly in virtual format

The 2020 IAOS General Assembly will be held on Thursday 20th August at 12.00 – 13:00 (CEST) in virtual format.

If you wish to attend please email Jo Green ( jo.green@statistics.gov.uk ) who will send you a link to join the meeting.

The agenda for the meeting will be:

  1. Minutes of 2019 General Assembly: for agreement
  2. IAOS Annual Report: for agreement
  3. Amendment to the statutes of the IAOS: for agreement (see note below)
  4. Nominations for the IAOS Executive Committee: for consideration
  5. Future topics for SJIAOS: for consideration
  6. Other business


John Pullinger


Note on amendment to the statutes for the IAOS

The statutes of the IAOS are in line with Dutch law and the statutes of the ISI.

The statutes do not permit the General Assembly to be held in virtual format. Accordingly, the IAOS Executive Committee had intended to find an opportunity to hold a meeting in physical format during 2020. At a meeting of the Executive Committee on 7th August the Executive Committee concluded that as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic this would not be possible.

The Dutch authorities have recognised the COVID-19 pandemic currently makes it difficult for organisations to hold General Assemblies in physical format and has made provision for General Assemblies to be held in virtual format so long as this is done before 1st September 2020. This does not allow us the usual 2 months notice period for General Assemblies.

In order to avoid this situation recurring the General Assembly will be invited to agree a change to the IAOS statutes as follows. To insert the words:

The General Assembly meeting may be held virtually. In the case of a virtual meeting, members are given the opportunity to participate online and vote.